Happiness & Risk
“If we only wished to be Happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are” – Montesquieu
What is Happiness, how can we find It? and more precisely How can we measure it?
Most researcher agree that, the situation we are born into, our social and cultural expectations, unplanned events and our own behavior are the factors that mostly influence our “feeling of happiness”.
There is no thermometer or barometer that measures it ... even the brainwave measurements do not produce reliable results.
People with healthy children, stable marriages, successful careers and their own homes, would be described as “Happy” in most of the countries.
However, if you just do a survey with a one question: Are You Happy? …very few will reply just One Word as “YES”.
I was very much surprised with the answers I got… that gave me a different insight.
The Five Most Important elements in Life that people relate with, when they measure the “Happiness Quotient”
1. Money Matters: Rich / Wealthy: Both are different, however will talk more about it, another time.
2. Relationships: Life Partner, then (Family and Non-Family)
3. Business and Career: Initial Stage, Growth Stage, Post Growth Mid-Life, Last Mile.
4. Lifestyle Status.
5. Health
Lastly the new one... 6. Social Media recognition and acceptance.
The insight from the answers and relation to the above six parameters, gave me a yet to be tested Measurement of Risk Appetite and the degree of Happiness Quotient.
However, prima-facie observation led me to few statements:
1. The high-risk takers and willingness to risk with their Money, defined their view on Rich and Wealthy as Happiness and had extreme opinion on relationship.
2. The medium risk takers had very conservative opinions and valued their relationship as Lifestyle Status.
3. The most conservative risk takers, where healthier, but lacked exponential relationships, had a content of unhappiness for recognition.
Just to summarize:
“Be Reasonable and take some risk in life, Even Though all decision may not succeed, learn to be Happy about the Success you Got and don’t regret for that didn’t occur”